Friday 10 January 2014

Second Supervisor Meeting

At my second supervisor meeting with Ken we talked briefly about the new direction of the project and moved on to talk in detail of what it is I'm going to be making for my final piece and what areas within pre-production I still need to address, as well as a brief discussion about my ethics form, and finally just some general advice about the honors project.

Within the pre-production of my project Ken and I agreed that an animatic in maya would be the best way to show whats going to actually happen visually and animation wise, this will allow me to fine tune the speed of the camera to try and understand what would be most effective, Ken informed me that 3 minutes is the length of time that people tend to pay attention to something before getting bored so its the optimal length for the animation.

We went on to discuss the camera in great detail as it is a very important part of the piece, I talked about how the viewer would be able to rotate the camera as they flythrough the environment and this raised some issues I hadn't addressed:
1. If the viewer can freely rotate the camera there is no way of telling they will look at the things I want them to look at, to remedy this I must create the flythrough in a way that all important elements are focused on by the player and to do this I must carefully design each scene to lead the players eye toward anything important.
2. Just because the viewer can rotate the camera doesnt mean that it is interactive, for something to be interactive the viewer must be able to actually interact with what they are viewing, this can be fixed in multiple ways, although it doesn't necessarily have to be interactive. ken suggested split pathways as a simple option for interactivity.
3. (this is the general advice) I should focus on what I can do rather than what I could learn to do, although expanding my skillset and looking into other areas is fine but I should focus on what I'm good at and not get bogged down with things like programming or sound, or in the case of the flythrough camera scripting.

We talked about the ethics form and I need to be more specific about the people I will choose for my possible focus group, it should make sense why I chose them, and I should think carefully about the questions I will ask.

Thats about it for this week, my next priority is getting my animatic done.

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