Saturday 4 January 2014

Rationalising my Aim


The Aim of the research is to develop a 3d visual style influenced by the visuals of cubism, stylised games and abstract 3d illustration to create an environment that can be used for an interactive animation (by interactive animation I mean an environment that the viewer flies through and can rotate the camera similar to 'RO.ME') exploring themes of loneliness and the fracturing that occurs within humans themselves as they spend time alone.

To explore new 3D modelling techniques, and develop an argument for simplistic 3D environments  and their ability to be evocative and artistically interesting. 

Why this makes sense to do:
3D realism is so close to real life now that it almost seems unnatural and i wish to explore 3D in a different and more abstract way, taking influence from cubist visual style focusing on contrast, sharp lines, and depth to push 3d away from convention and into less explored territory, it will also explore my ability to portray a mood and tell a story through visuals.

Research Question:
By exploring stylised games, cubism, and 3D illustration along with informative experimentation with 3D software, can an interesting and appealing visual style be developed and then used to create a simple first person flythrough interactive experience that evokes a mood within the player, and has the ability to tell a story through simplistic stylised visuals?

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