Friday 27 September 2013

visual style ideas board

first inspiration board, main inspirations so far are 'Dishonored' and 'Half Life 2' with their new cities on top of the old sort of scenarios, I also looked at 'the Last of Us', 'Bioshock Infinte', and 'assassins creed 2'.

I'm particularly interested in the elements of classical architecture and a high level of polish, dishonored is also particularly good at conveying a mood through lighting, color and sound. 'Bioshock Infinite' is also the game that got me interested in staging in level design in the first place.

First Post

Well it's a busy year ahead, looking forward to doing my own focused project. So far I have done some research into useful books, currently I am reading "Game Development Essentials: Game Level Design" which goes over level design as a whole, as well as the games industry and its history.

My project will likely consist of a 3D game level that explores the way staging, lighting, and composition affect the immersion and the overall player experience, I'm also interested to see if a 3D level can be considered modern art when approached in a way focusing on the contextual relevance and meaning behind the piece.

my plan of action (like a to do list) will be updated twice a week so that I manage my time correctly and give myself realistic deadlines to maximize the amount of work I push myself to do, I am also going to strive to motivate myself more but I'm hoping with a goal in sight and a project I really enjoy it shouldn't be a problem.

My plan of action for Monday the 30th
-get a good start on my 4th year blog
-read over the honors year handbook
-begin working on the visual style