Saturday 4 January 2014

Cinema 4D Faceted Shaders Experiment

In this Experiment I use variations of a Banji Shader and various transform techniques to test how visually appealing shaders can be on abstract 3D.

 here is the initial sphere with altered using a connect and a noise displacement.

 the same sphere with a banji added.

 by duplicating the sphere under the connect and turning up the connect tolerance I was able to create any shape using spheres. I also altered the banji shaders specularity and ambient colours.

 I think this is pretty much the same as the one above except with more spheres added.

 Here I applied a twist to create variation of the shape, this creates a nice effect and shows alot of different colours due to the strangeness of its form, this is probably my favourite piece in this section.

 This is a seperate object, just a cylinder with the connect, displacement, and twist applied, aswell as the banji shader.

 here I duplicated the sphere made it explode and changed alot of the materials to gradients but I didnt really like the new colours.

 I created a second exploded cylinder with a different size, I like this effect though it may be unapplicable to what I will ultimately be creating due to the high polycount and chaos. though by using a design that is initially lower poly to explode may still be as visually interesting if not more.

The final part of this experiment where I textured one of the exploded cylinders blue and the other one green and left the middle as a banji, this piece worked quite well but is still abit to hectic for my liking it would be interesting to see how this could perhaps be used in an environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lucian

    How do I add a banji shader and get that effect with those colours?

